Wednesday, 15 May 2013

A bit about my GI diet.

Well it has been a very busy weekend. I will update by the end of the week on what's been happening re an opportunity that presented itself, via Welshot, however in this post I'll just tell you about my new diet, with some pictures of some of the food.

I have started the GI diet, which stands for Glycemic Index. In principle it's high fibre and consists mainly of food that will get your stomach working properly so that you actually burn off the fat. Where as a lot of diets work by reducing the weight by water loss, this fat burning diet tends to be longer lasting.

I got told that I have to loose 5 and a half stone by the nurse at my local GPs. When I picked myself off the floor from the ensuing laughing fit. I asked for a gym referral and that combined with the diet helps speed my metabolism up to the same rate as it was at before I started taking medication.

Anyway I started taking pictures of some of my meals which are mainly green light.

I have 3 decent meals a day and 3 snacks in between, all planned out, it is surprising how quickly my stomach seems to have adapted to the new routine. This is not a starvation diet, so I don't feel hungry on it.

Anyway here are some of the dishes;

first of all have a decent breakfast. Porridge is good, basic oats and water, with a few blueberries in for a bit more flavour. Water is recommended, decaf coffee is also OK.

A bit of variety is good too, I learned to make rolled omelette, I put it with some rice here for brunch as it took a bit longer to make than expected;

Granary bread with a little low fat spread.

Next to some snacks, home made snacks that fit in with the diet are a must. So best make them at the start of each 4 days. If you keep then much longer they tend to dry out, except the Banana loaf which seemed OK for a bit longer.

Mix for the Muffins;

Blueberry and apple muffins;
Banana loaf;
Gluten free cake;
This started out a bit dry, my partner said it was nice with some low fat custard but I had to take her word for it, next time I make it, I will be putting a bit of fruit in it.

Then on to lunch or dinner (which is generally lighter than the main meal at tea time)

Home made vegetable soup, with some light Creme fraiche; 

Or some Greek yoghurt with fruit and nuts;
Then to the main event, tea,

Baked fish in lime juice and rosemary, with stir fry vegetables, only using a tsp of rapeseed oil for frying;

Stuffed Pasta shells and mushroom salad, crisp bread and water;

This was the first meal of the "diet" and not green light at all, I had a rack of ribs in the fridge, which I strictly should have gotten rid of but I buried them in this salad. There is probably a way of doing the ribs so that they are low GI but I hadn't got to that bit of the book yet;

Bit naughty...(so sue me)

Anyway by the end of the first week after resetting the scales, I lost between 10 lbs and a stone in weight. And loads of my old clothes that I just couldn't bin now fit. Still a long way to go yet though.

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