Saturday, 27 July 2013

Images with my Kodak 66

Today I got back my first two films taken with my Kodak 66 film camera. Scanned the images in using my DSLR, so they aren't as detailed as they would be from Dark room prints, but would make a fairly decent contact set, well most of 'em any way.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Yesterday's trip to Crosby beach

 A trip yesterday took us to Crosby beach and Anthony Gormley's Another place

 This image was taken with a normal unmodified Canon 550D

This image was taken using a modified full spectrum 550D and a Hoya 720nm IR filter, the three IR images were adjusted accordingly to get an equal total amount of light in and synchronised as regards tone curve.

 This image used a 850nm IR filter

 This image used a 950nm IR filter

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Down at Telacre beach today

Social links trip today entailed a trip to Telacre beach. I was going to try to sort out getting into the Lighthouse by trying to contact the owners, but as you can see it would have been a waste of time until later in the day.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Bodnant Gardens

Had a bit of a whirlwind trip to Bodnant Gardens today, I get in free with my National Trust, membership didn't realise that it would cost Mike £8.50.

Here are a few of my images,

I will be heading down that way next week as I have to go pick up some negatives from Cambrian next week. Hopefully the weather will hold and I can spend a bit more time there. National Trust membership is fantastic at this time of year.