Thursday, 6 December 2012

First hard copies of my book have landed.

This morning,  

I was woken up by the door bell at 7:45 am. It was a courier, I have just received the first 10 copies of my book, 7"version. That's it for now on that project, busy on some other avenues of work up until Christmas. I will be selecting 20 of my best images from my book and getting them printed 12" square and framing them for exhibition. Early in the new year I will be burning some rubber (on the soles of my shoes, leather soles don't seem to last me 5 minutes) canvasing possible venues for exhibiting some work. Hopefully the bulk of that project is now finished and it's time to move onto the next.

Have to start compiling a list of goals for next year, then shaving the list down to the one or two things that I can tell Lee I want to do next year ;-) (That'd require getting the SMART filter out then !)

I am already building up a list of the camera gear I want, just got to find a way to justify each. Plus I need to get my own source of finance going. Not cheep this photography business, is it?